Thursday, August 7, 2014

Use Summer "Playdates" for Cub Scouts!

Patriots' Path Council's vice president for membership and relations, Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, points out that "summer is a great time to keep your Scouts meaningfully engaged in great activities that are also fun.  Don't treat these events as formal den meetings or advancement activities, but rather as playdates."  By choosing activities that are elective in nature, it won't matter if some families are away on vacation -- you can pick them up for the next event.  Below are just a few examples of some fun and engaging ideas.  There is truly no limit to what you can do.

Have a carwash and check tires, oil, lights, etc.  A great and fun
way to hang out with friends and earn the Webelos Handyman
activity badge or a few Bear/Wolf electives.

Why not earn an "off the beaten track" belt loop like gymnastics;
which counts for the Webelos Sportsman activity badge too.

Not every gathering has to be a formal advancement activity as well.
Why not take a day trip to a local point of interest?

Now granted, the Cub Scout advancement examples given above are representative of the current program, not the one set to begin in June 2015.  That said, the model is a viable one regardless of which advancement trail you are or will be following.

The real point is that by organizing several small-scale events in the summer, you can keep boys and families engaged in fun Cub Scout activities while also giving Scouts the opportunity to see friends and socialize.  Give it a try!