Friday, September 21, 2018

“Meet Your Membership Support Team”

Ever wonder what some of the most successful Cub Scout packs and Scouts BSA troops are doing to keep their Scouts in Scouting (Retention) and bring in new Scouts (Growth)?
You might be surprised to know that along with the many thousands of volunteers just like you in the Boys Scouts of America, Patriots’ Path Council there are also a number of professionals who work in the council service center in Cedar Knolls. Well actually, they are seldom there because they are usually out and about helping your Cub Scout packs and Scouts BSA troops.
Look for them at your next district camporee, Scout roundtable, recruiting event, awards dinner, popcorn pick-up, or council training session -- they will be there. The membership support team covers many aspects of Scouting such as getting your Scout applications entered into the system so your Scouts are registered and insured. They arrange and prepare your recruiting materials from customized flyers and yard signs to getting the PPC Scout canopy ready for you to take to an event.
Have you attended a recruiting breakfast roadshow event? We have ones planned for 2018. Your member support team gets the presenters for the topics, many times as a volunteer presenting themselves as they are involved with units too.
Back to my first question now. Ask any of our membership support team what makes a unit successful and they will say “you”, backed by the support and knowledge of “me” who can help you keep your unit strong and growing.
Who to Call?
Serving Black River, Fishawack and Sussex Districts:
Al Thomas,, 973-919-0389

Serving Watchung Mountain, Munsee, and Raritan Valley Districts:
Javier Juarez at 973-765-9322 x257,

Council Membership Committee:
Membership Chairman, John Cristadoro at
Membership Staff Advisor, Bill SanFilippo at

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

New Member Coordinators Roundtable to Be Held on September 12th

We are all experiencing challenges with recruiting and retention.  Let’s get together on Wednesday, September 12th at 7:00 P.M. at the Council Service Center to learn about the key tasks of your unit’s new member coordinator.

We will have an informal roundtable to talk about issues facing us all.  Some topics we can discuss are Fall recruiting, recruiting New Member Coordinators, diversity, and Family Scouting.  Interested in becoming a New Member Coordinator?  Stop in and hear what we are all about!  Each unit should have an assigned and registered NMC.

Please register at:

For more information, please contact your friendly neighborhood Membership Chairman, John Cristadoro at or Bill SanFilippo at

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

FAQs and an Invitation to Learn about Bringing Girls into Cub Scouting and Beyond!