Thursday, February 28, 2013

120 Retention Best Practices

Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, PPC vice president for membership and relations, shares 120 national best practices compiled by the Great Trail Council to assist unit and districts with scout retention.  The ideas are culled from a host of veteran scouters who have a proven track record for keeping youth engaged in their units -- from Tigers all the way to Eagle.  The authors state that "it is our goal to provide hands on, practical information so you can retain the boys in your program."

To view the entire set of retention ideas, visit:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Recruitment through Partnership with Local Library

Today's featured best practice shared by Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Patriots' Path Council's vice president for membership and relations, comes from the Greater Cleveland Council - Partnering with Library.  In four years of implementation, the campaign introduced 800 youth and families to Scouting.  It has obvious implications for communities where school access has become a problem.  The link also provides a quick and easy marketing strategy in the form of -- what else?? -- a bookmark.  What a great way for two community organizations to work together on a project that serves youth.

For detailed information on their initiative, go to:

BSA Best Practices

Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Patriots' Path Council's vice president for membership and relations asks:  "Did you know that councils and units from all over the nation have Best Practices posted on the BSA website?  These focus on recruitment and retention." Check it out at:

Welcome to the PPC Membership Blog!

Welcome! I am Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, the Vice President of Membership & Relations for the Patriots' Path Council - Boy Scouts of America.  On this blog, I'm going to be sharing some great ideas and best practices on how to recruit, retain, and help with the promotion of Cub Scouts. We're going to be exploring some new ideas, and I hope that many of you will have great ideas to share.