The Retention Mission of the Commissioner Corps is best achieved by providing an adequate number of trained unit commissioners who provide a link to District Committee resources in support of a quality unit program.
We are asking our unit commissioners to focus on the following four primary areas:
Supporting unit growth in the Journey to Excellence criteria: JTE measures performance characteristics that unlock the door to a successful unit. Unit Commissioners should analyze the unit’s program and identify JTE areas where help is needed to move the unit to a higher level of JTE success.
Linking district committee resources to the unit: Unit Commissioners should support the district committee’s delivery of a “catalog of services” to support the specific JTE elements needed for a particular unit’s health and success.
Visiting units and logging the visits into the Unit Visit Tracking System (UVTS): Our core task remains visiting the unit. UVTS input feeds critical information to the district committee to help link resources to the unit.
Supporting on-time charter renewal: The commissioner’s focus is the retention of the unit, though we should be especially mindful of supporting new youth membership efforts as we move more toward a volunteer-led, professionally guided approach to increasing membership.
Finally, the Commissioner Corps is fully supportive of the concept of the New Unit Commissioner, as outlined in the Unit Performance Guide . The concept of assigning a New Unit Commissioner on a one-on-one basis to each new unit, through the first two recharter cycles, is a proven and approved best method that results in dramatically increased new unit retention.
Together, we can bridge the gap to increased membership in the BSA.
Resources for Commissioner Service
• Administration of Commissioner Service Manual, No. 34501 • National BSA Commissioner Service website: • Unit Performance Guide- • Unit Visit Tracking System (UVTS) help support. The Unit Visit Tracking System online help provides personal assistance from a BSA Help Desk operator. The phone number for commissioners only is 972-672-¬4389. The operator is on call to answer questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. (Leave a message and they will call you back.)
• UVTS Training Support includes a PowerPoint presentation, a FAQ, instructions, and a video:
—For professionals, go to MyBSA, click on the Knowledge Base tab, and then go to MyTraining and Unit Visit Tracking System.
• MyScouting Support. Volunteers who have questions about MyScouting access or UVTS
access should send an e-mail to with their user name, e-mail address, contact information, council name and headquarters city, and question.