Friday, November 8, 2013

Be Highly Visible - Part I: Make it easy for families to find you

Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Patriots' Path Council vice president for membership and relations, gives some solid advice for local units: "I've heard it said more than once that the Cub Scout Pack in a town was the community's 'best kept secret.'  The last thing we want is for Cub Scouting to be any sort of secret.  Your unit needs to be highly visible!  Show the community the value of scouting for their youth, do community service, be out there and get noticed in meaningful and positive ways.  That is what is going to attract new families and create excitement and anticipation with new boys."

The next few blog posts will provide units with some concrete examples:

Get your unit's outings published in the newspaper when they
are doing 'cool' things that other boys would want to do.

Recognize community leaders often and publically for their support of Scouting.
Handsome certificates are available at your local Scout Shop.
Be sure to have boys wear their uniforms to local athletic and community events.  What's a better
recruiter than an excited little Cub Scout happy and looking sharp in their uniform?
There are many, many more ideas on how to be visible.  The next few blog posts in this series will give you even more ideas.

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