Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Three Ways to Improve Your Relationship with the Charter Organization

While every unit has a chartered organization, we can all agree that our units should have a stronger relationship with the religious, civic, fraternal, educational, or other community-based organization that helps us deliver the Scouting program.  These chartered organizations operate Scouting units to deliver programs to their youth members, as well as to the community at large.

Responsibilities of chartered organizations include providing quality leadership and adequate meeting facilities for the Scouting unit, as well as appointing a chartered organization representative to coordinate all Scouting unit operations within the organization.

It is important to maintain a positive relationship with your unit’s chartered organization: 

1) Communicate: Invite members of the organization to unit events.  Let them know of your successes and challenges.  Give a report annually to the chartered organization.  This is a great time to also present them with their charter from the council as part of a formal ceremony.

2) Service Project: Give back to the organization through service.  For example, clean up the grounds of the service club, write letters to the VFW Post, help the church with a beautification project, etc.  Such service let’s your chartered partner know that you appreciate them.

3) Partner: Meet with the chartered organization and brainstorm on ways that you can help one another.  For example, a church may have a youth program.  It might benefit both groups to bring the church youth and Scouts together and do some shared program. 

A Scouting unit and a chartered organization share the same goal of developing youth.  A better relationship between the two will only help achieve that goal. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017


All units do recruiting for new Scouts.  In fact, some units may have a Committee Member or parent who was unofficially designated as their "recruiter".  Well, now the BSA has created a formal position on your committee for this job: “NEW MEMBER COORDINATOR or NMC.”
The BSA is excited to roll out this new position and is encouraging all units to have at least one person trained for this key role.
There is an orientation video available online and our council is starting to provide training at the December 2, 2017 University of Scouting in December!  Go to www.scouting.org/nmc for more details on NMC or contact your District's Vice-Chair of Membership if you have any questions.
This counts as another trained position for your Unit's JTE... so sign someone up today!

Those who attend the University of Scouting NMC session will receive a free NMC t-shirt!  To sign up for the University of Scouting: https://ppcbsa.org/committees/training/