Sunday, February 24, 2013

Recruitment through Partnership with Local Library

Today's featured best practice shared by Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Patriots' Path Council's vice president for membership and relations, comes from the Greater Cleveland Council - Partnering with Library.  In four years of implementation, the campaign introduced 800 youth and families to Scouting.  It has obvious implications for communities where school access has become a problem.  The link also provides a quick and easy marketing strategy in the form of -- what else?? -- a bookmark.  What a great way for two community organizations to work together on a project that serves youth.

For detailed information on their initiative, go to:

1 comment:

  1. This a great idea! Would we also be able to partner with the Girl Scouts as well so that all young people 6-21 will have the opportunity to join either the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts. With their help hopefully we can hit twice as many libraries as well!

    Frank Caccavale
    -Patriots' Path Council
