Friday, March 22, 2013

Kindergarten Engagement/Recruitment - Stomp Rockets

Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, Patriots' Path Council vice president of membership/relations, makes the observation that "we already know who next year's Tigers and Tiger Leaders are -- they are your current Kindergarten class.  Too often we forget that and miss the opportunity to meaningfully engage families in what Scouting is all about before we try to recruit them to join.  We need to develop strategies for making connections with Kindergartners now and at the same time keeping an eye out for which of their parents/guardians might make good adult leaders."

One great idea is to hold a Stomp Rocket Derby.  It can be for just Kindergarteners, a combined event with your current Tiger Den, it can be a school-wide activity -- you decide what works best for you.

This launcher design produces no waste, and should cost around $10.

Multiple launchers will allow for a competitive event.

A Stomp Rocket Derby can include making the rockets from scratch, having teams develop a team rocket, and a whole host of competitive (and FUN!!) activities.  Both the launcher and rockets are easy to make:
 For one launcher, you will need:
  • One 10-foot length of 1/2-inch PVC
  • One 1/2" 90-degree elbow (all fittings are of the slip variety)
  • One 1/2" four-way fitting
  • Two 1/2" end caps
  • One 1" coupling
  • One 1" by 1/2" bushing
  • One 2-liter soda bottle cap
  • Lots of 2-liter soda bottles
Other supplies you will need for this project:
  • PVC cement
  • Hot glue
  • White glue
  • Cotton balls
  • Tape
  • Sheets of 8 1/2" by 11" paper
  • Lots of copies of the rocket template (see second web-link below)

It should be noted that this concept is not a new one.  You can find resources on how others have done this at:,or.r_qf.&cad=b&sei=wTlLUfv-M-LB4AOX-4HQBg.

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