Friday, March 1, 2013

Strengthen Relationships with Important Community Members

Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, PPC vice president for membership and relations, shares a valuable membership tip on strengthening relationships.  "Having a great working relationship with important community members, particularly school officials, is critical when it comes to recruitment and retention.  Access to boys, families, facilities, and resources all has a lot to do with who you know and what kind of relationship you have with them.  That's why it is critical that you recognize individuals for their efforts and support."

Just as your scouts love to get patches and awards for their accomplishments, we need to make sure we are doing the exact same thing for those community members that support our units.  Certificates of Appreciation are on sale at your local scout shop for a very reasonable price.  Your chartered organization and your school principal are obvious choices -- and they will appreciate the positive PR too!  Why not take a few minutes to help strengthen relationships with those that help you the most? 

Cub Scout Pack 165 cubmaster, Dr. Geoffrey Zoeller, presents Katherine D. Malone Elementary School principal, Mr. Michael Valle, with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Boy Scouts of America for his outstanding support of the Scouting movement and of Cub Scouting in his school. Thank you Mr. Valle!

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